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Nhà Thờ Ông Bà Tú Vinh - Ao Sen Trung Lý

Ao Sen Trung Lý Bà Tú Vinh, Phổ Vinh Đức Phổ, Vietnam View on map
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Nhà Thờ Ông Bà Tú Vinh - Ao Sen Trung Lý is a beautiful place for relax, walks, hiking from or near Pho Duc, Vietnam. It is ranked at #3 out of 7 locations in that region.

Nhà Thờ Ông Bà Tú Vinh - Ao Sen Trung Lý has no yet any user votes in Kenvuki's 5-star rating system, be the first to rate this place (click on a leaf under the location title).

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Relax, walks, hiking
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